
Professional Graduate Schools

| Professional Graduate Schools - Graduate Programs

Why Graduate Schools? 

MUST has a strategic long-term goal to build a research-oriented university for the entrepreneurial world. Without distinguished international and national talents, MUST cannot achieve this ambitious goal. For this purpose, MUST established and operates two professional unique graduate schools.

Roles and Features

Our graduate schools focus on gathering teaching, research, and learning talents at MUST as well as offering our students world-class master and doctoral programs. Our MUST community believes that these graduate schools will become leaders who will create MUST research copyrights and nurture future entrepreneurs. The schools have strong commitments to produce new technologies and new ideas to promote sustainable growth of Mongolia's national economy. They focus on making national industry and energy infrastructure greener and more sustainable. 

Graduate School of Business |
  • Department of Business Administration and Management
  • Faculty | Business Administration and Management

Graduate School of Engineering | (currently, its website is under construction - it will be availabe very soon with a new design)

  • Department of Information and Communication Technology
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering 
  • Department of Power Engineering
  • Faculty | Information and Communication Technology
  • Faculty | Mechanical Engineering 
  • Faculty | Power Engineering 


Affiliated schools